Maxim Klepikov

Maxim Klepikov, PhD graduated from Yaroslavl State University, majoring in biology and specializing as a biology and chemistry teacher. Maxim is an author of more than 70 scientific and 100 popular-science articles published in “GEO”, “Vokrug Sveta”, “Yunyi Naturalist” as well as other magazines. He has received several awards and certificates for participating in different competitions in the sphere of education and ecological journalism. 

Maxim has worked in an academic environment for 20 years and was a deputy director for scientific research at the Children’s “House of Nature” eco-biological center in for 17 years. In his work Maxim has always used the latest available educational-informational technologies. In 1993 Maxim taught biology at the International Children’s Computer Summer Camp. Being a talented teacher with an extensive experience of work with children Maxim is also an author and developer of the first all-Russia telecommunication educational projects for school children.
Maxim currently lives and works in California where one can find the highest level of biological diversity for mid-latitude locations on the planet Earth. During his lessons he strives to make children aware of all these natural treasures. His knowledge and interesting presentation of the material excites not only children but adults as well.
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